Mini Retreats & Special Events
About Our Mini Retreats. We bring a small group of people together to share in a special seasonal experience. We meet at a Lake Forest, CA. home where you enjoy a spa like setting.
What you experience
Meeting new friends
Opening and Closing Ceremony
Craft, Project or Experience
Vegetarian Meal
Yoga Experience
& Much more depending on our theme.
Minimum of 6 guests and no more than 12 guests are taken. Your $ is non-refundable unless the retreat is canceled. All RSVPS are due two weeks prior to the event. Payment is Due at RSVP.
Paint Night
October 12th, 4 to 8 PM
The Sunflower is an amazing flower.
Enjoy painting in a group.
Be guided into creating your own unique sunflower painting.
Enjoy a guided meditation experience on the Sunflower.
Enjoy a wonderful vegetarian dinner.
Meet new people and connect with old friends.
It's a wonderful time to bloom.
RSVP via Email.
Payment due at RSVP.
Space is limited.